Volunteer Opportunity in Seattle Audubon’s native plant and wildlife-friendly garden
Are you interested in native plants and gardening for wildlife? Come volunteer in Seattle Audubon’s native plant garden! Seattle Audubon’s office and Nature Shop are located on a small urban lot in Wedgwood (NE Seattle), and our wildlife friendly garden serves as an example of ways to garden for birds and other wildlife in the city. Bring your horticultural knowledge and ideas and help direct how the garden is used for education, enjoyment and as a model for urban wildlife space. Garden work parties take place approximately once per month, usually on Saturday mornings.
Please contact Jen Mullen, Volunteer Coordinator, at jenm@seattleaudubon.org or call 206.523.8243 x 12, for more information about this volunteer opportunity.
Volunteer Opportunity in Seattle Audubon's Nature Shop
Are you looking for a way to help the environment? Are you interested in birds and wildlife in the city? Volunteer in Seattle Audubon’s Nature Shop!
The Nature Shop sells binoculars, books, bird feeders, birdseed and hundreds of other bird and nature related products. Nature Shop volunteers provide sales assistance, register people for Seattle Audubon Classes and Field Trips, and provide phone and walk-in assistance to Seattle Audubon members and the public regarding bird- and nature-related issues.
No experience is necessary; we will teach you everything you need to know! This is a great opportunity to learn more about birds, provide a vital service, and work with like-minded individuals to protect and preserve birds and the natural environment! Current volunteers include retired teachers, doctors, and social workers, students, working professionals, and more.
3.5 hour shifts are available mornings and afternoons Monday through Saturday. Volunteer each week, once per month, or occasionally, as your schedule permits.
Please contact Jen Mullen, Volunteer Coordinator, at jenm@seattleaudubon.org or call 206.523.8243 x 12, for more information about this volunteer opportunity.
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